The Catechism clearly defines prayer as a "vital and personal relationship with the living and true God" (CCC, no. 2558). Prayer is Christian "insofar as it is communion with Christ" (CCC, no. 2565), and a "covenant relationship between God and man in Christ" (CCC, no. 2564).
What Is Prayer? Therese of Lisieux wrote, “For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.” And yet, the truth is, prayer is perhaps the most difficult thing we will ever do. Prayer is central to the Christian experience. A Christian life is not sustainable without it; growth in the Christian life is simply not possible without prayer. Growing in character and virtue, learning to hear the voice of God in our lives, and walking where he calls us, all require the discipline of prayer. If you want to know God, and if you want to know yourself, pray. Talk to God. There are many different kinds of prayer (adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving), but in the end, prayer is simply conversation with
¿Qué es la oración? Santa Teresa de Lisieux, también conocida como Santa Teresita del Niño Jesús decía "Para mí, la oración es un impulso del corazón, una simple mirada dirigida al cielo, un grito de agradecimiento y de amor, tanto en medio del sufrimiento como en medio de la alegría. En una palabra es algo grande, algo sobrenatural que me dilata el alma y me une a Jesús."
La oración es fundamental para la experiencia cristiana. Una vida cristiana no es sostenible sin ella; el crecimiento en la vida cristiana no es simplemente imposible sin la oración. Creciendo en carácter y virtud, aprender a escuchar la voz de Dios en nuestras vidas, y caminar en la que nos llama, todos requieren la disciplina de la oración. Si usted quiere conocer a Dios, y si quiere conocerse a sí mismo, ora. Habla con Dios. Hay muchos tipos diferentes de oración (adoración, petición, intercesión, acción de gracias), pero al final, la oración es simplemente una conversación con Dios.
The iBreviary App is an excellent tool for leading a good prayer life. With this application you will have access to:
-All the Liturgy of the Hours such as Lauds, Intermediate Hours, Vespers, Complines.
-The Readings for the Mass of the Day
-The Life of the Saints
-The Roman Missal
-The main prayers of the Catholic tradition
Here we share the links with you where you can download it:
For Androids click here: to download app from Play Store.
For Apple click here: to download app from Apple Store.
Pray As You Go is a daily prayer session, designed to go with you wherever you go, to help you pray whenever you find time, but particularly whilst travelling to and from work, study, etc.
A new prayer session is produced every day of the working week and one session for the weekend. It is not a 'Thought for the Day"", a sermon or a bible-study, but rather a framework for your own prayer.
Lasting between ten and thirteen minutes, it combines music, scripture and some questions for reflection.
Here we share the link with you where you can download it:
Pray as you go - Pray as you go (
Advent Prayers: Catholic Advent Prayers for the 2022 Season (